First off, this game is gorgeous. The gameplay is fun and it just feels magical, particularly on the iPad. But the new user experience and navigation between games needs a major overhaul. It took a visit to the forums for me to realize that you have to click on the tiny arrows in the book to return to the main menu! Also, theres no quick tour or tutorial, and the game rules are buried beneath the "updates" rather than getting their own link.I also feel like the game was designed for the iPad first and then squeezed onto the iPhone (Ive tried it on both, and while the gameplay feels natural on the iphone, tapping the tiny arrows and stones makes me want to whittle down my index finger)
I hope the experience surrounding the game can improve to match the fun and quality of the gameplay itself as they release updates. Carcassone had similar problems at first but they have been since solved elegantly, and I believe the Trouble Brothers can do just as good a job with Wizard Hex. Keep up the good work!
andrewdmiller about Wizard Hex