Latest update made the game more stable, it did crash on occasion before. Now it runs quite smoothly.
You play the game by choosing one of six elements, assigning either computer or human players to the other five, or leaving up to four of them blank. Pieces are placed on the board on a space adjacent to a piece of the same element. Attacking is done by moving a piece toward an adjacent enemy piece, when attacking both your piece and your enemies piece are removed from the board.
Transmuting pieces (stacking them on top of each other) fortifies your defensive position. Gold pieces (a stack of three) cannot be attacked, though they can still attack.
The interesting part is that you can place and attack with pieces from your "Allies", the elements on either side of you, whether those elements belong to another player or not. Further more you cannot attack, or be attacked, by your Allies. They can however attack each other, which you can force them to do in order to further your own goals.
It took me about a half hour to figure out the game and find a rather simple strategy for beating the computer in one on one, but adding more players changes things quite drastically. Playing a three player game has its own unique strategy vs a six player game as well.
Cant wait to play this against some of my friends, would gladly pay more for a physical version of this game. Brilliantly simple yet complex game, sure to please any strategy fan. If you are like me and always looking for that unique game with classic elegance, this deserves a place in your strategy folder.